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Monday, January 13, 2025

🧠 UPDATE: Crypto Investing Strategy – December 2019

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Another month, another update on my cryptocurrency investing strategy. Enjoy!

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  1. $197 for an e-course that talks about an asset that has no intrinsic value. Meanwhile, the rest of the investing community is reaping the rewards of a strong US economy and Brexit finally looking like it's going to be resolved. This is an utter con, what was your headline this time last year Louis Dow Jones @ 19,000?

  2. crypto has always been the best i made my way in with $40,000 for starters early this year and i'm on the verge of hitting a million to my portfolio with professional help from an expert Madam Nancy Berman Epstein she handles my protfolio greatly and with her strong reputation in the states i can say i've never been in safer hands..

  3. Interesting talk outdoors , My opinion going into 2020 , still bearish untill June ish possible October/November lift-off. If your not in by then the BTC boat has Sailed ⛵ cheers Ps hope to pick up alittle more below 7000 💵

  4. Crytpo sentiment is super low. Even on Steem is quiet, apart from the vulcans taking advantage of less competition for the reward pool. Splinterlands just released their untamed series cards (on steem) and is growing strong in sales, players and other metrics.

  5. It's funny louis that in 2017 btc was 20k ath but now i think 20k is actually a great. price if the price goes to 1,2 or 300k 10percent btc will be worth more than what 100percent btc is today . for every 10 percent will be like owning a whole btc

  6. No doubt. Only bitcoin has a limited supply. More and more alts are spawned into existence every week. That tends to dilute the money that people tend to allocate to alts. That causes the new alts to drain value away from the older alts. Bitcoin however has a limited supply. That's why I own it. Other cryptos can be useful but not for limited supply. Only bitcoin has that feature.

  7. I thought we would have had a much bigger bounce by now. And now we are back down to 7500. I think another big dump coming. I hope I’m wrong cause I bought a BTC at $7000.

  8. You clearly haven't taken into account that BAKKT will release cash settled futures on their platform dec 9 and BTC will go down to 5 – 6K .. imo bad choice to buy at 7K.

  9. Une semaine difficile pour Bitcoin est en train de devenir une grande gueule de bois ce week-end alors que les ventes maintiennent la pression. Pour la première fois en plus de six mois, BTC est passé sous la barre des 7,5 K $ et augmentera encore au cours des prochains jours. J'ai trouvé un marchand très réussi, M. Antonio Fransisco, à travers sa vidéo sur laquelle je suis tombé. Tant de jeunes commerçants en crypto comme moi doivent beaucoup à lui et à sa stratégie de trading de bitcoins. Après des mois de bénéfices corporels décourageants, je l'ai contacté et il m'a donné des conseils incroyables pour exceller dans le monde de la cryptographie. Maintenant, je réalise des profits énormes et en quelques mois, j'ai pu augmenter les revenus de 4 à 19 milliards de btc. Merci au plan de négociation d'Antonio. Vous pouvez tous le contacter via son télégramme: +1 (619 558 2965) et par courrier électronique à l'adresse fransiscoantonio707@gmail.com.

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